Databasen viser en oversikt over forskningsbasert kunnskap rundt psykososiale forhold og sårbare grupper ved pandemi, med fokus på covid-19 spesielt.
Undergraduates' Noncompliance with COVID-19 Regulations Is Associated with Lifetime Sexual Harassment Perpetration and Sexist Beliefs
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma - Journal ArticleDespite efforts by universities to curb the spread of COVID-19, evidence from a separate, yet surprisingly parallel, domain of research-sexual violence perpetration-suggests that many students violate policies that regulate individual behavior and prohibi...
Trusting Others During a Pandemic: Investigating Potential Changes in Generalized Trust and Its Relationship With Pandemic-Related Experiences and Worry
Frontiers in Psychology - Journal ArticleGeneralized trust, the belief that most other people can be trusted, has positive consequences for health and wellbeing. An increased sense of community is often seen in times of crisis or disaster, but it is unclear whether this is the case in the COVID-...
Trust in UK Government and news media Covid-19 information down, concerns over misinformation from government and politicians up
WebpageTrust and Happiness: Comparative Study Before and After the Great East Japan Earthquake
Social Indicators Research - Journal ArticleThe positive relationship between trust and happiness has been demonstrated by the literature. However, it is not clear how much this relationship depends on environmental conditions. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 is considered one of the most c...
Trust and compliance to public health policies in times of Covid-19
Journal ArticleWhile degraded trust and cohesion within a country are often shown to have large socioeconomic impacts, they can also have dramatic consequences when compliance is required for collective survival. We illustrate this point in the context of the COVID-19 c...
Tillit til regjeringens tre første uker
Norsk koronamonitor, Samfunn - Journal ArticleThe paradox of trust: Perceived risk and public compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore
Journal of Risk Research - Journal ArticleTap og tillit: Ungdoms livstilfredshet og samfunnsdeltagelse under pandemien
ReportRapporten undersøker hvordan ungdommer erfarte og håndterte samfunnets nedstenging under koronapandemien våren 2020. Vi beskriver ungdommers tilfredshet med livet under koronanedstengingen og hva som bidrar til å forklare ungdommenes ulike erfaringer. Vi ...
Supporting the Health Care Workforce During the COVID-19 Global Epidemic
JAMA - Journal ArticleHospital personnel, including caregivers, support staff, administration, and preparedness teams, all will be stressed by the challenges of a prolonged response to COVID-19, and leadership must emphasize the importance of self-care as the center of the res...
Social trust in the midst of pandemic crisis: Implications from COVID-19 of South Korea
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility - Journal ArticleThis study aims to exploit the situations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in South Korea to identify the causal effect of a pandemic crisis and institutional responses on social trust. With unique panel data collected in the course of the COVID-19...
Smittevern blant Oslo-ungdom under covid-19-pandemien
Tidsskrift for den Norske Lægeforening - Journal ArticleBakgrunn: Effektivt smittevern er avgjørende for å bekjempe covid-19-pandemien. Vi undersøkte om Oslo-ungdom rapporterte å overholde smittevernreglene under pandemien og om oppslutning om reglene var relatert til sosiodemografiske kjennetegn, tillit til m...
Risk perceptions of Covid-19 around the world
Journal of Risk Research - Journal ArticleThe World Health Organization has declared the rapid spread of COVID-19 around the world a global public health emergency. It is well-known that the spread of the disease is influenced by people ’ s willingness to adopt preventative public health behavior...
Regulation and Trust: 3-Month Follow-up Study on COVID-19 Mortality in 25 European Countries
JMIR Public Health Surveill - Journal ArticleBackground: The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has dramatically changed societies in 2020. Since the end of February, Europe has been hit particularly hard by COVID-19, but there are major country differences in both the spread of the viru...
Psychological Correlates of News Monitoring, Social Distancing, Disinfecting, and Hoarding Behaviors among US Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Manuscript submitted for publication
Journal ArticleImportance: As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, it is critical to understand the psychological factors that influence pandemic-related behaviors (i.e., news monitoring, social distancing, hygiene/disinfecting, hoarding). This may be especially important...
Poor self-reported adherence to COVID-19-related quarantine/isolation requests, Norway, April to July 2020
Euro Surveill - Journal ArticleTo limit SARS-CoV-2 spread, quarantine and isolation are obligatory in several situations in Norway. We found low self-reported adherence to requested measures among 1,704 individuals (42% 95% confidence interval: 37-48). Adherence was lower in May-June-J...
Perceived Vaccine Efficacy, Willingness to Pay for COVID-19 Vaccine and Associated Determinants among Foreign Migrants in China
Electronic Journal of General Medicine - Journal ArticleObjectives: The COVID-19 public health crisis has increased the global burden of diseases and mortality. Hence, global vaccination becomes non-negotiable to support immunity to reduce morbidity and mortality burdens. The COVID-19 vaccine campaign hinges o...
Optimism-pessimism, conspiracy theories and general trust as factors contributing to COVID-19 related behavior – A cross-cultural study
Personality and Individual Differences - Journal ArticleThe main aim of this research was to examine the role of optimism-pessimism, general trust and belief in conspiracy theories, in COVID-19 related fears, preventive and hoarding behaviors. We also examined the role of different sources of information in th...
Modeling compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines: The critical role of trust in science
Psychology, Health & Medicine - Journal ArticleThe coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest health crises of our time. In response to this global problem, various institutions around the world had soon issued evidence-based prevention guidelines. However, these guidelines, which were designed to slo...
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) towards COVID-19 pandemic in America: A preliminary systematic review
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries - Journal ArticleIntroduction: On the eleventh of March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic by the number of cases and deaths worldwide: More than 91.1 million confirmed cases and approx. 1.9 million ...
Informasjon og tiltak rettet mot innvandrerbefolkningen i forbindelse med Covid-19: Delrapport 1
ReportRapporten inneholder en oversikt over informasjons- og veiledningstiltak fra offentlige myndigheter og frivillige organisasjoner i forbindelse med covid-19, samt en oversikt over smittesituasjonen i innvandrerbefolkningen. Dataene er fra perioden mai -au...