
Databasen viser en oversikt over forskningsbasert kunnskap rundt psykososiale forhold og sårbare grupper ved pandemi, med fokus på covid-19 spesielt.

Viser 1-15 av totalt 15 referanser

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Children in Domestic Violence Refuges

Child Abuse Review - Journal Article

Key Practitioner Messages The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in negative consequences for children exposed to violence and abuse. Domestic violence refuge staff were greatly concerned about children both living outside and inside refuges. Domestic violenc...

Forfattere: Carolina Øverlien
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Supporting adolescents and young adults exposed to or experiencing violence during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of Adolescent Health - Journal Article

This article discusses the support provided to adolescents and young adults who are exposed to or experiencing violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Supporting adolescents and young adults (AYAs) exposed to or experiencing violence is a crucial responsib...

Forfattere: Maya I. Ragavan, Alison J. Culyba, Fatimah L. Muhammad, Elizabeth Miller
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Social work responses to domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences and perspectives of professionals at women's shelters in Sweden

Clinical Social Work Journal - Journal Article

This study explores how social work professionals at women's shelters in Sweden experience, understand, and are responding to domestic violence under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative longitudinal research design was employed, and multipl...

Forfattere: Charlotte C. Petersson, Kristofer Hansson
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Norwegian shelters for victims of domestic violence in the CoViD-19 pandemic - navigating the new normal

Journal of family violence - Journal Article

This study elucidates the responses of shelters and their adaptations to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects on their services to victims of violence, as well as how shelter managers assess the situation for victims, including changes in the rates and ...

Forfattere: Solveig Bergman, Margunn Bjørnholt, Hannah Helseth
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Mental health service delivery for IPV victims during the COVID-19 pandemic: Technology as a path forward

The Behavior Therapist - Journal Article

This paper focuses on outlining factors to consider for mental health service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, we aim to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the rapid shift in the use of technology-based programs within fa...

Forfattere: Temilola Salami, Alice Lima, Cayla Hari, Irene Hegarty, Aly Jacobs, Betsy Galicia
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Looking at COVID-19 effects on intimate partner and sexual violence organizations in Canada through a feminist political economy lens: A qualitative study

Canadian Journal of Public Health - Journal Article

OBJECTIVES: Intimate partner violence and sexual violence organizations such as women's shelters play a crucial role in advancing gender equality in Canada. COVID-19 has challenged how such organizations operate. This study explored how intimate partner v...

Forfattere: S. Michaelsen, E. Nombro, H. Djiofack, O. Ferlatte, B. Vissandjee, C. Zarowsky
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Kunnskapsoppsummeringer om korona


Kunnskapsoppdateringer fra NKVTS i forbidelse med korona...

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Krisesentrene og covid-19 - resultat fra en kartlegging i oppmykningsfasen av pandemien


Krisesentrene i Norge er en viktig infrastruktur og en god informasjonskilde for myndigheter og faginstanser om beredskapen i hjelpetjenestene i en krisesituasjon. Hovedinntrykket fra vår kartlegging er at krisesentrene ser ut til å ha tilrettelagt sin vi...

Forfattere: S. Bergman, M. Bjørnholt, H. Helseth, A. E. Kruse, C. Øverlien, M. Vold
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Krisesentrene og covid-19 - resultat fra en kartlegging i april 2020


Kunnskap om hvordan krisesentre, andre hjelpetjenester og de voldsutsatte selv opplever covid-19, kan bidra til å bedre beredskapen for pandemier og lignende kriser i fremtiden. Det er derfor viktig at vi kan benytte oss av kartlegginger og forskningsrap...

Forfattere: Solveig Bergman, Margunn Bjørnholt, Hannah Helseth, Anja E. Kruse, Carolina Øverlien, Mary Vold
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Krisesentre i Norge og covid-19

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning - Journal Article

I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi, med utgangspunkt i en studie om krisesentre, hvordan covid-19-pandemien har påvirket sentrenes virksomhet og deres arbeid med å hjelpe personer som er utsatt for vold i nære relasjoner. Studien ble gjennomført i to omgang...

Forfattere: Solveig Bergman, Margunn Bjørnholt, Hannah Helseth
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Improving prevention of family violence during (and after) disaster: Lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic

Forensic Science International: Reports - Journal Article

As feared by many, our dedicated actions to slow the spread of COVID-19 significantly impacted reporting for most forms of family violence. This concerning decline in reports was greatest during periods of lockdown, when risk of abuse was likely at its hi...

Forfattere: Andrew M. Campbell
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'I will rather be killed by corona than by him…': Experiences of abused women seeking shelter during South Africa's COVID-19 lockdown

PLoS One - Journal Article

In April 2020, the United Nations predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic will have a 'calamitous' impact on the lives of women. This was based on concerns about an upsurge in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) arising from increased opportunities for relationa...

Forfattere: B. Dekel, N. Abrahams
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Hjelp, hvor ble du av? En brukerundersøkelse om tjenestetilbudet til volds- og overgrepsutsatte barn og unge under koronapandemien

Forfattere: Anders Dovran, Kristin Stokke, Malin Albrechtsen, Stian Tobiassen
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Crisis Work Embedded in a Global Crisis: The Early Phase Impact of COVID-19 on Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Service Provisions

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Journal Article

COVID-19, as a global pandemic, was a public health inflection point for individuals affected by intimate partner violence (IPV) and those who provide IPV services. Public health guidelines that were intended to reduce risk of exposure to the virus impact...

Forfattere: V. Murugan, T. L. Weaver, T. Schafer, Q. Rich
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An increasing risk of family violence during the Covid-19 pandemic: Strengthening community collaborations to save lives

Forensic Science International: Reports - Journal Article

Though necessary to slow the spread of the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19), actions such as social-distancing, sheltering in-place, restricted travel, and closures of key community foundations are likely to dramatically increase the risk for family violence ...

Forfattere: Andrew M. Campbell
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Viser 1-15 av totalt 15 referanser