
Databasen viser en oversikt over forskningsbasert kunnskap rundt psykososiale forhold og sårbare grupper ved pandemi, med fokus på covid-19 spesielt.

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The social determinants of health and health outcomes among adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review

Public Health Nursing - Journal Article

Objective: To synthesize the best available evidence on the relationship between the social determinants of health and health outcomes among adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Introduction: COVID-19 has created widespread global transmission. Rapid incr...

Forfattere: H. Green, R. Fernandez, C. MacPhail
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The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with and without depressive, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorders: A longitudinal study of three Dutch case-control cohorts

Lancet Psychiatry - Journal Article

BackgroundThe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in people with pre-existing mental health disorders is unclear. In three psychiatry case-control cohorts, we compared the perceived mental health impact and coping and changes in depressive sy...

Forfattere: Kuan-Yu Pan, Almar A. L. Kok, Merijn Eikelenboom, Melany Horsfall, Frederike Jörg, Rob A. Luteijn, Didi Rhebergen, Patricia van Oppen, Erik J. Giltay, Brenda W. J. H. Penninx
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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated public health response on people with eating disorder symptomatology: An Australian study

Journal of Eating Disorders - Journal Article

People with lived experience of eating disorders (ED) may be particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated public health response due to exasperating situations such as social isolation, presence of other mental and physical health condi...

Forfattere: J. Miskovic-Wheatley, E. Koreshe, M. Kim, R. Simeone, S. Maguire
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The impact of Covid-19 on unemployment across Italy: Consequences for those affected by psychiatric conditions

Journal of Affective Disorders - Journal Article

ABSTRACT Background : Severe psychological and psychosocial consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are expected, especially for people already vulnerable to biological or psychosocial stressors, including those with mental health problems. The study aimed ...

Forfattere: Maurizio Pompili, Marco Innamorati, Gaia Sampogna, Umberto Albert, Claudia Carmassi, Giuseppe Carrà, Francesca Cirulli, Denise Erbuto, Mario Luciano, Maria Giulia Nanni, Gabriele Sani, Alfonso Tortorella, Caterina Viganò, Umberto Volpe, Andrea Fiorillo
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The impact of COVID-19 on the safety, housing stability, and mental health of unstably housed domestic violence survivors

Journal of Community Psychology - Journal Article

Using data from an ongoing longitudinal study, we examined the impact of the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders on a racially diverse population of unstably housed domestic violence (DV) survivors over time. Specifically, we examined survivors' safety, housing ...

Forfattere: Danielle Chiaramonte, Cortney Simmons, Noora Hamdan, Oyesola Oluwafunmilayo Ayeni, Gabriela Lopez-Zeron, Adam Farero, Mackenzie Sprecher, Cris M. Sullivan
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Social and economic vulnerable groups during the Covid-19 pandemic


This rapid review is mainly based on searching the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s systematic living map on COVID-19 related evidence. One author assessed the relevance of each reference based on titles and abstracts. Both Authors’ included studies...

Forfattere: V. Lauvrak, L. Juvet
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Sosial ulikhet i krisetider


Hvilken effekt har korona-krisen hatt på minoritetsbefolkningen så langt? Har sosial ulikhet og maktstrukturer i samfunnet hatt innvirkning på hvem som rammes hardest i en krisesituasjon? I MiRA-Senterets utredning: Sosial ulikhet i krisetider (2020) kan...

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Sleep characteristics among black cisgender sexual minority men and black transgender women during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of multi-level COVID-19-related stressors

Sleep health - Journal Article

OBJECTIVES: To determine the association between individual, network, and structural COVID-19-related stressors and changes in sleep duration and quality among Black cisgender sexual minority men (SMM) and Black transgender women during the COVID-19 peak ...

Forfattere: D. T. Duncan, S. H. Park, Y. T. Chen, H. Mountcastle, J. Pagkas-Bather, L. Timmins, B. Kim, H. Hanson, K. Koli, M. Durrell, N. Makarem, R. Eavou, K. Bharadwaj, J. A. Schneider
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Situasjonen i kommunalt psykisk helse- og rusarbeid i april 2020


Mange av brukerne i målgruppen for tjenester innen psykisk helse og rusarbeid er sårbare i en pandemisituasjon, og kommunene satte derfor raskt inn tiltak for å unngå at smitte spredte seg særlig i rusmiljøene. Alle dagtilbud, gruppetilbud, kurs og aktiv...

Forfattere: Solveig Osborg Ose, Silje L. Kaspersen
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Selvstendig liv og smittevern – rettigheter i krysspress under covid-19-restriksjoner for personer med utviklingshemming

Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning - Journal Article

I artikkelen retter vi søkelyset mot helse- og omsorgstjenester for personer med utviklingshemming, og vi diskuterer hvordan tjenesteytere erfarte ulike krysspress mellom smittevern og selvstendig hverdagsliv under den første koronanedstengningen. Artikke...

Forfattere: Line Melbøe, Stina Rebecca Hirsti, Rikke Gürgens Gjærum, Aina A. Kane
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Sex workers must not be forgotten in the COVID-19 response

Lancet - Journal Article

Sex workers are among the most marginalised groups. Globally, most direct sex work has largely ceased as a result of physical distancing and lockdown measures put in place to halt transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2...

Forfattere: Lucy Platt, Jocelyn Elmes, Luca Stevenson, Victoria Holt, Stephen Rolles, Rachel Stuart
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Risk of mortality in elderly coronavirus disease 2019 patients with mental health disorders: A nationwide retrospective study in south korea

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - Journal Article

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the different clinical characteristics among elderly coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients with and without mental disorders in South Korea and determine if these characteristics have an association with u...

Forfattere: Dong Yun Lee, Jaehyeong Cho, Seng Chan You, Rae Woong Park, Chung Soo Kim, Eun Young Lee, Howard Aizenstein, Carmen Andreescu, Helmet Karim, Chang Hyung Hong, Hyun Woong Rho, Bumhee Park, Sang Joon Son
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Rise in the incidence of abusive head trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic

Archives of Disease in Childhood - Journal Article
Forfattere: J. Sidpra, D. Abomeli, B. Hameed, J. Baker, K. Mankad
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Råd og informasjon til risikogrupper og deres pårørende om koronaviruset (coronaviruset)

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Råd under korona-pandemien


Smitterverntiltakene under koronapandemien gav oss de strengeste begrensningene siden krigen. Karantene, isolasjon og redsel for smitte kan slite på både voksne og barn. Her er råd fra NKVTS om hvordan best håndtere situasjonen. Pandemien rammet oss hard...

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Psychological responses and associated factors during the initial lockdown due to the corona disease epidemic (COVID-19) among Norwegian citizens

Journal of Mental Health - Journal Article

Background:  Ongoing COVID-19 studies pay little attention to the risk or protective factors related to psychological stress. Aims: This study aims to estimate the prevalence of anxiety, depression and insomnia during the initial phase of the COVID-19 o...

Forfattere: Inger Schou-Bredal, Tine K. Grimholt, Tore Bonsaksen, Laila Skogstad, Trond Heir, Øivind Ekeberg
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Psychological distress in serious mental illness patients during the COVID-19 outbreak and one-month mass quarantine in Italy

Psychological Medicine - Journal Article
Forfattere: F. Iasevoli, M. Fornaro, G. D'Urso, D. Galletta, C. Casella, M. Paternoster, C. Buccelli, A. de Bartolomeis,
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Prioriteringsutfordringer i helse- og omsorgstjenesten i kommunene under covid-19-pandemien

Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning - Journal Article

Helse- og omsorgstjenesten i kommunene har i utgangspunktet vært presset på ressurser, og har de siste årene tatt over flere oppgaver som spesialisthelsetjenesten tidligere hadde ansvar for, uten at de ansatte opplever at det følger økte ressurser med opp...

Forfattere: Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Reidun Førde, Reidar Pedersen, Morten Magelssen
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Pasient- og brukererfaringer med tjenester under koronapandemien 2020: Samlerapport fra spørreundersøkelse og fokusgruppeintervju


Koronapandemien og smitteverntiltakene som trådte i kraft 12.mars 2020, fikk umiddelbare konsekvenser for brukere, pasienter og pårørende med behov for helse- og velferdstjenester. Brukerrådet i Helsetilsynet og Helsetilsynet innledet et samarbeidsprosje...

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Patients with mental health disorders in the COVID-19 epidemic

Lancet Psychiatry - Journal Article
Forfattere: H. Yao, J. H. Chen, Y. F. Xu
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Viser 1-20 av totalt 76 referanser