
Databasen viser en oversikt over forskningsbasert kunnskap rundt psykososiale forhold og sårbare grupper ved pandemi, med fokus på covid-19 spesielt.

Viser 1-20 av totalt 25 referanser

Worry and mental health in the Covid-19 pandemic: Vulnerability factors in the general Norwegian population

BMC Public Health - Journal Article
Forfattere: I. Blix, M. S. Birkeland, S. Thoresen
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Trusting Others During a Pandemic: Investigating Potential Changes in Generalized Trust and Its Relationship With Pandemic-Related Experiences and Worry

Frontiers in Psychology - Journal Article

Generalized trust, the belief that most other people can be trusted, has positive consequences for health and wellbeing. An increased sense of community is often seen in times of crisis or disaster, but it is unclear whether this is the case in the COVID-...

Forfattere: S. Thoresen, I. Blix, T. Wentzel-Larsen, M. S. Birkeland
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The mental health impact of the covid-19 pandemic on healthcare workers, and interventions to help them: A rapid systematic review

Psychiatry Research - Journal Article

•Healthcare workers’ mental health problems correlate with organizational factors such as workload and exposure to covid-19 patients.•Healthcare workers are more interested in occupational protection, rest, and social support than in professional psycholo...

Forfattere: Ashley Elizabeth Muller, Elisabet Vivianne Hafstad, Jan Peter William Himmels, Geir Smedslund, Signe Flottorp, Synne Øien Stensland, Stijn Stroobants, Stijn Van de Velde, Gunn Elisabeth Vist
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The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Children in Domestic Violence Refuges

Child Abuse Review - Journal Article

Key Practitioner Messages The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in negative consequences for children exposed to violence and abuse. Domestic violence refuge staff were greatly concerned about children both living outside and inside refuges. Domestic violenc...

Forfattere: Carolina Øverlien
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Råd under korona-pandemien


Smitterverntiltakene under koronapandemien gav oss de strengeste begrensningene siden krigen. Karantene, isolasjon og redsel for smitte kan slite på både voksne og barn. Her er råd fra NKVTS om hvordan best håndtere situasjonen. Pandemien rammet oss hard...

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Psychological responses and associated factors during the initial lockdown due to the corona disease epidemic (COVID-19) among Norwegian citizens

Journal of Mental Health - Journal Article

Background:  Ongoing COVID-19 studies pay little attention to the risk or protective factors related to psychological stress. Aims: This study aims to estimate the prevalence of anxiety, depression and insomnia during the initial phase of the COVID-19 o...

Forfattere: Inger Schou-Bredal, Tine K. Grimholt, Tore Bonsaksen, Laila Skogstad, Trond Heir, Øivind Ekeberg
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Prevalence and Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Stress in Hospitalized and Non-Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Journal Article

This population-based study assessed the prevalence and determinants of symptom-defined post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a cohort of hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients about 1.5-6 months after their COVID-19 onset. The data were acquired f...

Forfattere: G. Einvik, T. Dammen, W. Ghanima, T. Heir, K. Stavem
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Associated Factors during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Journal Article

The COVID-19 outbreak and the sudden lockdown of society in March 2020 had a large impact on people's daily life and gave rise to concerns for the mental health in the general population. The aim of the study was to examine post-traumatic stress reactions...

Forfattere: Tore Bonsaksen, Trond Heir, Inger Schou-Bredal, Øivind Ekeberg, Laila Skogstad, Tine K. Grimholt
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Norwegian shelters for victims of domestic violence in the CoViD-19 pandemic - navigating the new normal

Journal of family violence - Journal Article

This study elucidates the responses of shelters and their adaptations to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects on their services to victims of violence, as well as how shelter managers assess the situation for victims, including changes in the rates and ...

Forfattere: Solveig Bergman, Margunn Bjørnholt, Hannah Helseth
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No buffer effect of perceived social support for people exposed to violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional community study

European Journal of Psychotraumatology - Journal Article

The COVID-19 pandemic has represented a burden to communities worldwide. Research indicates that this burden is not equally distributed in the community, and vulnerable groups, such as violence-exposed individuals may pay a particularly high prize. Percei...

Forfattere: M. S. Birkeland, S. Thoresen, I. Blix
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Longitudinal change in adolescent mental health during the covid-19 outbreak - A prospective population-based study of teenagers in Norway

Lancet Psychiatry - Journal Article
Forfattere: Gertrud Sofie Hafstad, S. Sætren, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, E. M. Augusti
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Kunnskapsoppsummeringer om korona


Kunnskapsoppdateringer fra NKVTS i forbidelse med korona...

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Krisesentrene og covid-19 - resultat fra en kartlegging i oppmykningsfasen av pandemien


Krisesentrene i Norge er en viktig infrastruktur og en god informasjonskilde for myndigheter og faginstanser om beredskapen i hjelpetjenestene i en krisesituasjon. Hovedinntrykket fra vår kartlegging er at krisesentrene ser ut til å ha tilrettelagt sin vi...

Forfattere: S. Bergman, M. Bjørnholt, H. Helseth, A. E. Kruse, C. Øverlien, M. Vold
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Krisesentrene og covid-19 - resultat fra en kartlegging i april 2020


Kunnskap om hvordan krisesentre, andre hjelpetjenester og de voldsutsatte selv opplever covid-19, kan bidra til å bedre beredskapen for pandemier og lignende kriser i fremtiden. Det er derfor viktig at vi kan benytte oss av kartlegginger og forskningsrap...

Forfattere: Solveig Bergman, Margunn Bjørnholt, Hannah Helseth, Anja E. Kruse, Carolina Øverlien, Mary Vold
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Krisesentre i Norge og covid-19

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning - Journal Article

I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi, med utgangspunkt i en studie om krisesentre, hvordan covid-19-pandemien har påvirket sentrenes virksomhet og deres arbeid med å hjelpe personer som er utsatt for vold i nære relasjoner. Studien ble gjennomført i to omgang...

Forfattere: Solveig Bergman, Margunn Bjørnholt, Hannah Helseth
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Helsepersonellstudien, covid-19


Bakgrunn og målsetting Gjennom Covid-19 pandemien har befolkningens sikkerhet, liv og helse vært avhengig av at helsepersonell klarer å stå i jobb gjennom krisen. Gjennom langvarige kriser som medfører betydelig økt belastning på personell, kan det være b...

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Did Norwegian adolescents suffer more violence and sexual abuse during the Covid-19 pandemic? Violence and sexual abuse rates the year before the pandemic compared to rates one year into the pandemic

medRxiv - Journal Article

Background: The Covid-19 pandemic is a public health crisis which may cause unintended additional societal costs such as child maltreatment. Considerable concern is raised as to whether the pandemic has led to an increase in violence and sexual abuse agai...

Forfattere: E. M. Augusti, M. C. Myhre, T. Wentzel-Larsen, G. S. Hafstad
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Daily uplifts during the COVID-19 pandemic: What is considered helpful in everyday life?

BMC Public Health - Journal Article

Knowledge of what is uplifting and helpful during pandemics could inform the design of sustainable pandemic recommendations in the future. We have explored individuals' views on helpful and uplifting aspects of everyday life during the coronavirus disease...

Forfattere: R. Eklund, K. Bondjers, I. Hensler, M. Bragesjö, K. B. Johannesson, F. K. Arnberg, J. Sveen
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Covid-19: Reaksjoner hos brukere av behandlingstilbud for psykiske vansker og rusproblemer

Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening - Journal Article

Background: Previous studies have documented negative impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on mental health in the general community. Less is known about how the pandemic has impacted users of mental health and substance abuse services. Methods: We invited u...

Forfattere: Roar Fosse, Marianne Skogbrott Birkeland, Ines Blix, Monica Strand, Paul Møller, Siri Thoresen
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Covid-19 og ungdoms opplevelse av å bo på barnevernsinstitusjon (CoBa-studien): En nasjonal undersøkelse av ungdom i alderen 12-18 år: Delrapport 2 av 3

Forfattere: G. S. Hafstad, E. M. Augusti, L. E. A. Haugen
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Viser 1-20 av totalt 25 referanser