Undersøkelse etter drukningstragedien i Tromsø: Hva kan vi lære om integrering og flyktninghelse?
Report2. desember 2019 døde en kvinne og to av døtrene hennes av drukning i Tromsø. Den tredje datteren ble alvorlig skadet. Kvinnen var fra Sør-Sudan og hadde fått opphold i Norge med familiegjenforening. Hun hadde bodd i Norge i litt over to år. Hendelsen vak...
Unaccompanied refugee minors and resettlement: Turning points towards integration
European Journal of Social Psycholgy - Journal ArticleResettling into a new country may pose many challenges for unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs). In this study we seek to get a better understanding of these challenges through analysing interviews with 48 URMs five years after their arrival in Norway, usi...
Trauma-informed practices in schools: A narrative literature review
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy - Journal ArticleIn Canada, the influx of immigrant and refugee children from war-torn countries and the current rate of natural disasters highlight that it is time to examine our preparation within schools to address childhood traumatic events. However, there is a scarci...
What we know and don't know about mental health problems among immigrants in Norway
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health - Journal ArticleMental health problems have been regarded as one of the main public health challenges of immigrants in several countries. Understanding and generating research-based knowledge on immigrant health problems is highly relevant for planning preventive interve...
What is the Impact of Placement Type on Educational and Health Outcomes of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors? A Systematic Review of the Evidence
Clinical child and family psychology review - Journal ArticleRecord numbers of unaccompanied refugee minors have been arriving in high-income countries since 2015. Child welfare agencies and non-governmental organisations tasked with providing services have struggled to cope with demands on their services as a resu...
Understanding the migration experience of unaccompanied youth: A review of the literature
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry - Journal ArticleMigration of unaccompanied immigrant and refugee youth has increased around the world in the last decade, peaking in 2014 in the United States and in 2015 in Europe. Youth are pushed to migrate without parents or guardians to escape war, persecution, gang...
Utilization of mobile mental health services among syrian refugees and other vulnerable arab populations—a systematic review
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - Journal ArticleThe global refugee crisis is at its most critical state in history; Syria alone has produced 12 million internally displaced persons, with another 5 million refugees seeking protection across the globe. Faced with the heavy burden of mental distress carri...
The use of community-based interventions in reducing morbidity from the psychological impact of conflict-related trauma among refugee populations: A systematic review of the literature
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health - Journal ArticleWith large numbers of refugee arrivals and numerous barriers to accessing services it is especially important that resources are efficiently and effectively directed to address the health needs of refugees. Ten databases were utilised to conduct the revie...
The Role of Immigrant Admission Classes on the Health and Well-being of Immigrants and Refugees in Canada: A Scoping Review
Journal of immigrant and minority health - Journal ArticleMany countries offer different pathways through which migrants can enter a new country. In Canada, there are three main immigrant admission classes: economic, family, and refugee. Previous research suggests that there are differences in health outcomes am...
The psychosocial needs of refugee children and youth and best practices for filling these needs: A systematic review
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry - Journal ArticleConflict across the globe has displaced over 16.1 million refugees, with approximately half under the age of 18. Despite the number of young refugees, there is a dearth of research reporting on the needs of refugee children and youth. The purpose of this ...
The mental health of children affected by armed conflict: Protective processes and pathways to resilience
International Review of Psychiatry - Journal ArticleThis paper examines the concept of resilience in the context of children affected by armed conflict. Resilience has been frequently viewed as a unique quality of certain 'invulnerable' children. In contrast, this paper argues that a number of protective p...
The effectiveness of psychosocial interventions in war-traumatized refugee and internally displaced minors: Systematic review and meta-analysis
European Journal of Psychotraumatology - Journal ArticleBackground: The United Nations reported that in 2016 over 65 million people worldwide have forcibly left home. Over 50% are children and adolescents; a substantial number has been traumatized and displaced by war. Objective: To provide an overview of the...
The culture, mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of Rohingya refugees: a systematic review
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences - Journal ArticleAimsDespite the magnitude and protracted nature of the Rohingya refugee situation, there is limited information on the culture, mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of this group. This paper, drawing on a report commissioned by the United Nations High...
The Cultural and Contextual Adaptation Process of an Intervention to Reduce Psychological Distress in Young Adolescents Living in Lebanon
Frontiers in Psychiatry - Journal ArticleArmed conflict leads to increased risk of emotional distress among children and adolescents, and increased exposure to significant daily stressors such as poverty and community and family violence. Unfortunately, these increased risks usually occur in the...
Talking to Children about War
WebpageOffers information for caregivers on how to talk to children about war. This fact sheet includes the potential impact and considerations when talking to children about war, how to start the conversation, understanding media coverage, and how to foster res...
Store psykiske helsebehov i Ukraina-krisen. Hva er god hjelpepraksis og hvor finner man relevante faglige ressurser i all infomasjonen rundt krisen i Ukraina?
WebpageKrigen i Ukraina vekker sterke reaksjoner og ønske om å hjelpe hos mange, også i Norge. Heldigvis har Norge store ressurser og mye erfaring vi kan og bør bruke for å ta imot flyktninger på en ansvarlig og god måte....
Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Field Operations Guide
WebpageResource Description Gives guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Skills for Psychological Recovery intervention. This approach helps to assist children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster...
Scenarier for helsetjenestebehov for flyktninger fra Ukraina
Scenarier for helsetjenestebehov for flyktninger fra Ukraina - ReportInnledning Russlands invasjon av Ukraina har ført til en umiddelbar økning i antall flyktninger til andre land i Europa. En slik situasjon krever økt beredskap hos helsetjenesten, og økt beredskap krever oppdaterte og pålitelige data for beslutningsgrunnl...
Responding to the health needs of women from migrant and refugee backgrounds-Models of maternity and postpartum care in high-income countries: A systematic scoping review
Health & Social Care in the Community - Journal ArticlePregnant women from migrant and refugee backgrounds living in high-income countries (HIC) are at increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes compared with women born in the host country. Women from migrant and refugee background have perinatal healthcare...
Psykologisk førstehjelp: Felthåndbok
BookDenne norske utgaven av Psykologisk førstehjelp er oversatt til norsk ved Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress (NKVTS) i august 2011. Psykologisk førstehjelp er utarbeidet av fagpersoner ved National Child Traumatic Stress Network og Na...