Webinar: På flukt fra krigen i Ukraina, hvordan kan vi hjelpe flyktningene i Norge?
WebpageDel I: KunnskapsoppdateringeneVoksne og eldre flyktninger fra Ukraina: Psykososiale konsekvenser, behov og tiltak den første tiden i Norge, v/ Marianne Opaas, Forsker II, NKVTSEnslige mindreårige asylsøkere: Kartlegging av traumeerfaringer og psykisk hels...
Trauma-informed practices in schools: A narrative literature review
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy - Journal ArticleIn Canada, the influx of immigrant and refugee children from war-torn countries and the current rate of natural disasters highlight that it is time to examine our preparation within schools to address childhood traumatic events. However, there is a scarci...
The Role of Immigrant Admission Classes on the Health and Well-being of Immigrants and Refugees in Canada: A Scoping Review
Journal of immigrant and minority health - Journal ArticleMany countries offer different pathways through which migrants can enter a new country. In Canada, there are three main immigrant admission classes: economic, family, and refugee. Previous research suggests that there are differences in health outcomes am...
The psychosocial needs of refugee children and youth and best practices for filling these needs: A systematic review
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry - Journal ArticleConflict across the globe has displaced over 16.1 million refugees, with approximately half under the age of 18. Despite the number of young refugees, there is a dearth of research reporting on the needs of refugee children and youth. The purpose of this ...
Store psykiske helsebehov i Ukraina-krisen. Hva er god hjelpepraksis og hvor finner man relevante faglige ressurser i all infomasjonen rundt krisen i Ukraina?
WebpageKrigen i Ukraina vekker sterke reaksjoner og ønske om å hjelpe hos mange, også i Norge. Heldigvis har Norge store ressurser og mye erfaring vi kan og bør bruke for å ta imot flyktninger på en ansvarlig og god måte....
Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Field Operations Guide
WebpageResource Description Gives guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Skills for Psychological Recovery intervention. This approach helps to assist children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster...
Levekår for barn i asylsøkerfasen
ReportSchool-based programs for Supporting the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of adolescent forced migrants in high-income countries: A scoping review
Social Science & Medicine - Journal ArticleAs communities around the world continue to receive record-setting numbers of newcomers fleeing armed conflict, schools play a central role in supporting these families through the challenges of adjustment. Policymakers and educators in several high-incom...
School performance after experiencing trauma: a longitudinal study of school functioning in survivors of the Utøya shootings in 2011
European Journal of Psychotraumatology - Journal ArticleThe psychological impact on survivors of terrorism has been well documented. However, studies on adolescent survivors and the academic performance of high school students following a terrorist attack are lacking.|This study investigated academic performan...
School factors related to the emotional wellbeing and resettlement outcomes of students from refugee backgrounds: protocol for a systematic review
Systematic reviews - Journal ArticleBACKGROUND: Schools can play a vital role in the resettlement of refugee children and their families. Yet, the body of research examining school environmental factors that support the mental health and acculturation of refugee children is methodologically...
School factors related to the emotional wellbeing and resettlement outcomes of students from refugee backgrounds: Protocol for a systematic review
Systematic Reviews - Journal ArticleSchools can play a vital role in the resettlement of refugee children and their families. Yet, the body of research examining school environmental factors that support the mental health and acculturation of refugee children is methodologically heterogeneo...
School and community-based interventions for refugee and asylum seeking children: A systematic review
PLoS One - Journal ArticleResearch for effective psychological interventions for refugee and asylum-seeking children has intensified. The need for interventions in environments more easily accessed by children and families is especially relevant for newly arrived populations. This...
Returning to school after a terror attack: A longitudinal study of school functioning and health in terror-exposed youth
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - Journal ArticleTerrorist attacks and mass shootings often involve youth. Knowledge is needed on how this may impact their health and functioning. This study investigates perceived academic performance and school wellbeing in 237 terror-exposed survivors of the Utøya you...
Psychosocial and behavioral aspects of populations affected by humanitarian emergencies: Recent developments
Current Opinin in Psychiatry - Journal ArticleUnderstand recent developments in psychosocial and behavioral aspects of populations affected by humanitarian emergencies. The review covers the prevalence, longitudinal course, risk factors, posttraumatic growth, biological basis and interventions to add...
Preventive mental health interventions for refugee children and adolescents in high-income settings
Lancet Child & Adolescent Health - Journal ArticleThe mental health of refugee children and adolescents is a multifaceted phenomenon that needs to be understood and addressed across multiple sectors that influence all potential determinants of health, including housing, education, economic opportunities,...
Optimising refugee children's health/wellbeing in preparation for primary and secondary school: A qualitative inquiry
BMC Public Health - Journal ArticleChildren from refugee backgrounds are less likely to access appropriate health and social care than non-refugee children. Our aim was to identify refugee children's health/wellbeing strengths and needs, and the barriers and enablers to accessing services ...
"It's very hard, but I'll manage." Educational aspirations and educational resilience among recently resettled young refugees in Norwegian upper secondary schools
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - Journal ArticlePurpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational aspirations? A sense of mastery and future hope are among the numerous factors that can positively predict school achievements. High aspirations may thus contr...
Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators
WebpageProvides school administrators, teachers, staff, and concerned parents with basic information about working with traumatized children in the school system....
Child Mental Health in the Context of War: An Overview of Risk Factors and Interventions for Refugee and War-Affected Youth
Book SectionAn unprecedented number of children and adolescents are migrating to escape war and persecution, often unaccompanied by family (UNHCR: Global trends forced displacement in 2015. The UN Refugee Agency, Geneva, 2016 ). These children face security and heal...
After a crisis: How young children heal
WebpageThis one page handout was designed to support families with young children in the aftermath of a disaster. Please feel free to distribute it broadly by copying it, emailing it, linking to the handout, provided you do so free of charge. The resource was d...