The pandemic paradox: The consequences of COVID-19 on domestic violence

Journal of Clinical Nursing - Journal Article

In terms of saving lives, one of the most serious manifestations of intimate partner and familial abuse is domestic homicide. In the UK, approximately two women are killed every week by their current or ex-partner. During the COVID-19 pandemic, reports have emerged of an apparent increase in domestic homicides in a number of affected countries. In March 2020, Spain (a country that has been particularly hard hit by the pandemic) saw its first domestic violence fatality just 5 days following lockdown; a woman was murdered by her husband in front of their children in Valencia. There is also emerging evidence of an increased number of domestic homicides in the UK since the lockdown restrictions were enacted (Ingala Smith,  2020 ). At this early stage of the pandemic, it is too early to verify whether the increased reporting of these deaths represents an actual rise in domestic homicide rates or increased media attention. However, it is important to highlight that reported cases are of violence are known to be a small percentage of actual incidents. Moreover, the emerging homicide numbers underline the serious and potentially devastating unintended consequences of the pandemic for victim–survivors of abuse.

Extra: Edition: 2020/04/22

  • Volume: 29
  • Issue: 13-14
  • Pages: 2047-2049
  • Date: 2007-00-00 0007
  • Series title:
  • DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15296
  • ISSN: 1365-2702
C. Bradbury-Jones, L. Isham
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