The Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Case of Kilis

Social Work in Public Health - Journal Article

The objective of this study; is to find out the sensitivity, the concern that are created by the Covid-19 pandemic on the Syrian refugees, who live in Kilis province of Turkey and have different life standards and status and to find out their possibilities and attitudes of prevention from and combating the pandemic. The data of the study were collected between 12-16 April 2020 by applying a questionnaire on 414 refugees. According to the study results, it has been discovered that the refugees have concerns about Covid-19 and their insensitivity levels are low. It has been seen that there is a group who are not aware of the seriousness of the pandemic, who do not have enough information about the pandemic and cannot reach personal protective equipment (such as masks, gloves). In general, in the fight against pandemic; the levels of refugees' following the rules and their finding the decisions taken and implemented proper, can be defined as close to each other and good.

Fatih Budak, Sedat Bostan
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