Feasibility and acceptability of Problem Management Plus with Emotional Processing (PM+EP) for refugee youth living in the Netherlands: Study protocol

European Journal of Psychotraumatology - Journal Article

Refugee youth experience hardships associated with exposure to trauma in their homelands and during and after displacement, which results in higher rates of common mental disorders. The World Health Organization (WHO) developed Problem Management Plus (PM+), a non-specialist-delivered brief psychological intervention, for individuals who have faced adversity. PM+ comprises problem-solving, stress management, behavioural activation and strengthening social support. However, it does not include an emotional processing component, which is indicated in trauma-exposed populations.|This pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of PM+, adapted to Syrian, Eritrean and Iraqi refugee youth residing in the Netherlands, with and without a newly developed Emotional Processing (EP) Module.|Refugee youth (|This is the first study that evaluates the feasibility of PM+ for this age range with an emotional processing module integrated. The results may inform larger RCTs and implementation of PM+ interventions among refugee youth.|Registered to Dutch Trial Registry, NL8750, on 3 July 2020. Medical Ethical Committee of the Amsterdam University Medical Centre, location Vrije Universiteit Medical Centre, Protocol ID: 2020.224, 1 July 2020.

Extra: Edition: 20210805

C. Alozkan Sever, P. Cuijpers, E. Mittendorfer-Rutz, R. A. Bryant, K. S. Dawson, E. A. Holmes, T. Mooren, M. L. Norredam, M. Sijbrandij
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