Databasen viser en oversikt over forskningsbasert kunnskap rundt psykososiale forhold og sårbare grupper ved pandemi, med fokus på covid-19 spesielt.
Utsatte barn og unges tjenestetilbud under Covid-19 pandemien
ReportTiltak på skole- og barnehageområdet under koronautbruddet våren 2020
ReportSuffering in silence: How COVID-19 school closures inhibit the reporting of child maltreatment
Journal of Public Economics - Journal ArticleTo combat the spread of COVID-19, many primary and secondary schools in the United States canceled classes and moved instruction online. This study examines an unexplored consequence of COVID-19 school closures: the broken link between child maltreatment ...
Rapid Ethnographic Assessment of Pandemic Restrictions in Child Welfare: Lessons from Parent and Provider Experiences
Human Organization - Journal ArticleThis paper analyzes policy and practice changes implemented by the child welfare system in Miami-Dade County in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Rapid ethnographic assessment (REA) was used to capture multiple perspectives during a rapidly unfolding pande...
Normalcy for children in foster care in the time of coronavirus
Journal of Children's Services - Journal ArticlePurpose This paper aims to describe how a sense of normalcy for young people in foster care can be critical to their well-being.Design/methodology/approach This paper reports on policy and practice efforts in the USA to promote normalcy for youth in care....
Konsekvenser av covid-19 for tjenestetilbudet blant sårbare barn og unge
Rapportserie for sosialt arbeid - ReportKunnskapsgjennomgangen ser på hvilke måter konteksten rundt covid-19 har påvirket behovene og livssituasjonen til sårbare barn og utsatte familier, og hvordan tjenestetilbudet rettet mot sårbare barn og unge har blitt berørt av pandemien og iverksatte sm...
Koordineringsgruppen for tjenester til sårbare barn og unge
WebpageSårbare barn skal også i krisetid fanges opp, få hjelp og ivaretas. Det er avgjørende at det sikres en god koordinering mellom relevante sektorer slik at gruppen ivaretas på en god måte. Gjennom de etablerte strukturene i krisehåndteringen er de...
«Kan vi hjelpe når krisa rammer?»Barnevern, smittevern og store forskjeller i tjenestene under covid-19-pandemien
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning - Journal ArticleCovid-19-pandemien og nedstengningen av Norge førte til en unik situasjon hvor barn og unge stod uten arenaer som barnehage, skole og fritidsaktiviteter. Det ble uttrykt særlig bekymring for utsatte barn og unge. Barneverntjenesten har et særskilt ansvar ...
How COVID-19 Is Placing Vulnerable Children at Risk and Why We Need a Different Approach to Child Welfare
Child Maltreatment - Journal ArticleThe onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brings new worries about the welfare of children, particularly those of families living in poverty and impacted other risk factors. These children will struggle more during the pandemic because of financial pressures and...
Hjelp, hvor ble du av? En brukerundersøkelse om tjenestetilbudet til volds- og overgrepsutsatte barn og unge under koronapandemien
ReportFylkesnemndene behandler akuttplasseringer av barn fortløpende. Men saker om omsorgsovertagelser utsettes
Aftenposten - Newspaper ArticleFamilievernet under covid-19. Erfaringer og læring under nedstengning og i en ny hverdag
Notat 3/20 - Report12. mars stengte familievernet som følge av covid-19-pandemien og åpnet gradvis frem mot sommeren 2020. Studien undersøker hvordan dette påvirket tjenesten og brukerne, og viser behovet for å arbeide videre med: • Hvordan familievernet best kan ivareta si...
Domestic violence in families in the Netherlands during the coronavirus crisis: A mixed method study
Child Abuse & Neglect - Journal ArticleBACKGROUND: The consequences of the coronavirus crisis are considerable for everyone in the Netherlands. Although there were concerns about the many vulnerable families who were forced to stay at home because of the measures taken by the government to con...
Domestic violence in families in the Netherlands during the coronavirus crisis: A mixed method study
Child Abuse & Neglect - Journal ArticleBackground: The consequences of the coronavirus crisis are considerable for everyone in the Netherlands. Although there were concerns about the many vulnerable families who were forced to stay at home because of the measures taken by the government to con...
COVID-19: Effects of the Shutdown on Children and Families in Child and Youth Care Services in Germany
Child & Youth Services - Journal ArticleIn summary, all the challenges associated with the pandemic lead to higher levels of stress for everybody and we can see that conflicts, both amongst young people and between young people and adults, escalate more quickly. In the short-term, all parties i...
Covid-19 og ungdoms opplevelse av å bo på barnevernsinstitusjon (CoBa-studien): En nasjonal undersøkelse av ungdom i alderen 12-18 år: Delrapport 2 av 3
ReportChild maltreatment reports and Child Protection Service responses during COVID-19: Knowledge exchange among Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Israel, and South Africa
Child Abuse & Neglect - Journal ArticleCOVID-19 has become a worldwide pandemic impacting child protection services (CPSs) in many countries. With quarantine and social distancing restrictions, school closures, and recreational venues suspended or providing reduced access, the social safety ne...