Databasen viser en oversikt over forskningsbasert kunnskap rundt psykososiale forhold og sårbare grupper ved pandemi, med fokus på covid-19 spesielt.
Young adults' personal concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland: An issue for social concern
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy - Journal ArticlePurpose This study focuses on how young adults face the COVID-19 pandemic by investigating their personal concerns about mental well-being, career/studies and economic situation. The authors investigated how young adults' (aged 18–29) personal concerns di...
Working in the Times of COVID-19. Psychological Impact of the Pandemic in Frontline Workers in Spain
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Journal ArticleThis study evaluates the psychological impact (PI) of the COVID-19 pandemic in frontline workers in Spain. Participants were 546 workers (296 healthcare workers, 105 media professionals, 89 grocery workers, and 83 protective service workers). They all com...
Work-Related and Personal Factors Associated With Mental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Response: Survey of Health Care and Other Workers
Journal of Medical Internet Research - Journal ArticleBackground: The response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has created an unprecedented disruption in work conditions. This study describes the mental health and well-being of workers both with and without clinic...
Workplace Violence Against Physicians Treating COVID-19 Patients in Peru: A Cross-Sectional Study
Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety - Journal ArticleBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge to health systems that has revealed shortcomings and increased unmet demands. Such situations might exacerbate workplace violence (WPV) against physicians, as has been reported in several par...
Usikkerhet i koronaens tid. En studie av kulturarbeidere med ulike tilknytningsformer til arbeidslivet
Søkelys på arbeidslivet - Journal ArticleKunst- og kulturfeltet ble hardt rammet av covid-19-pandemien. I en svært uoversiktlig situasjon i midten av april 2020 gjennomførte vi en undersøkelse blant medlemmene i Creo – Norges største interesseorganisasjon innen feltet. Respondentene erfarer stør...
Unemployment and Psychological Distress among Young People during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychological Resources and Risk Factors
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Journal ArticleIn the wake of COVID-19, unemployment and its potential deleterious consequences have attracted renewed interest. We examined (1) the association between unemployment, occurring upon the coronavirus outbreak, and psychological distress among Israeli young...
The Psychological Impact of 'Mild Lockdown' in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Survey under a Declared State of Emergency
International Journal of Environmental Reseach and Public Health - Journal ArticleThis study examined the psychological distress caused by non-coercive lockdown (mild lockdown) in Japan. An online survey was conducted with 11,333 people (52.4% females; mean age = 46.3 ± 14.6 years, range = 18-89 years) during the mild lockdown in the s...
The mark of mental health problems. A field experiment on hiring discrimination before and during COVID-19
Social Science & Medicine - Journal ArticleMental health problems are associated with poor labour market outcomes. Based on data from a field experiment, this article investigates the extent to which hiring discrimination limits the job opportunities of young applicants who disclose a history of m...
Students’ coping with the self-regulatory demand of crisis-driven digitalization in university mathematics instruction: do motivational and emotional orientations make a difference?
Computers in Human Behavior - Journal ArticleThe COVID-19 pandemic induced a radical shift from face-to-face lectures to online learning in university mathematics instruction, which confronted students with a high self-regulatory demand. We investigated the role of students' motivational and emotion...
Pandemi og jobb: Hvordan påvirket smittevernrestriksjonene arbeidsmarkedet for unge mennesker med alvorlige psykiske lidelser?
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid - Journal ArticleDeltakelse i arbeidslivet er like viktig for unge mennesker med psykoselidelse som for alle andre. Ved Seksjon for tidlig psykosebehandling (OUS) samarbeider jobbsøkere og jobbspesialister for å finne egnede jobber som kan vedvare over tid. I dette innleg...
Labor market effects of Covid-19 in Sweden and its neighbors: Evidence from novel administrative data
WebpageThis paper studies the labor market effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on the Nordic countries which showed one of the highest variations in NPIs despite having similar community spread of COVID-19...
Konsekvenser av korona: Arbeidsledighet og gjennomføring blant unge i Viken
ReportKompetanse eller arbeidsledighet i pandemiens kjølvann – Rapport fra Arbeidslivsbarometeret 2020
ReportArbeidslivsbarometeret 2020 har undersøkt hva arbeidstakerne vil gjøre dersom dersom de blir arbeidsledige. I den tredje rapporteringen fra Arbeidslivsbarometeret 2020 viser vi at mange er motivert for å ta utdanning for å komme ut av arbeidsledighet....
Job insecurity, financial threat and mental health in the COVID-19 context: The buffer role of perceived social support (Submitted)
BMJ - Journal ArticleThe social distancing, confinement and quarantine adopted since March 2020 to confront the COVID-19 pandemic have affected multiple vital areas, and specially work, business and productive activities. Prior research has highlighted the relation between pe...
Informasjon og tiltak rettet mot innvandrerbefolkningen i forbindelse med Covid-19: Delrapport 1
ReportRapporten inneholder en oversikt over informasjons- og veiledningstiltak fra offentlige myndigheter og frivillige organisasjoner i forbindelse med covid-19, samt en oversikt over smittesituasjonen i innvandrerbefolkningen. Dataene er fra perioden mai -au...
Inequality in the impact of the coronavirus shock: Evidence from real time surveys
Journal of Public Economics - Journal ArticleWe present real time survey evidence from the UK, US and Germany showing that the immediate labor market impacts of Covid-19 differ considerably across countries. Employees in Germany, which has a well-established short-time work scheme, are substantially...
Individual, interpersonal and economic challenges of underemployment in the wake of COVID-19
Work - Journal ArticleBACKGROUND: COVID-19 has caused economic slowdown all across the globe. It results in job loss on the one hand and less wages, increased working hours, overqualified employees and part time jobs on the other hand. Low demand of labour and a huge availabil...
Health and emotional well-being of urban university students in the era of COVID-19
Traumatology - Journal ArticleThe COVID-19 pandemic has prompted social distancing measures and forced transition to virtual learning for university students. Examining the impact of these disruptions on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and psychological distress can contribute ...
Håndtering og konsekvenser av koronautbruddet for videregående opplæring
Fafo-rapport 2021:09 - ReportI rapporten har vi undersøkt hvilke konsekvenser koronakrisen har fått for elever og lærlinger i videregående opplæring. Det meste av datainnsamlingen ble gjort høsten 2020, og mange av spørsmålene dreier seg om erfaringene med stengte skoler og overgang ...
Health, work, and contributing factors on life satisfaction: A study in Norway before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
SSM - Population Health - Journal ArticleBackgroundThe COVID-19 outbreak has posed considerable challenges for people's health, work situations and life satisfaction. This article reports on a study of the relationship between self-reported health and life satisfaction before and during the COVI...