Webinar: På flukt fra krigen i Ukraina, hvordan kan vi hjelpe flyktningene i Norge?
WebpageDel I: KunnskapsoppdateringeneVoksne og eldre flyktninger fra Ukraina: Psykososiale konsekvenser, behov og tiltak den første tiden i Norge, v/ Marianne Opaas, Forsker II, NKVTSEnslige mindreårige asylsøkere: Kartlegging av traumeerfaringer og psykisk hels...
Store psykiske helsebehov i Ukraina-krisen. Hva er god hjelpepraksis og hvor finner man relevante faglige ressurser i all infomasjonen rundt krisen i Ukraina?
WebpageKrigen i Ukraina vekker sterke reaksjoner og ønske om å hjelpe hos mange, også i Norge. Heldigvis har Norge store ressurser og mye erfaring vi kan og bør bruke for å ta imot flyktninger på en ansvarlig og god måte....
Scenarier for helsetjenestebehov for flyktninger fra Ukraina
Scenarier for helsetjenestebehov for flyktninger fra Ukraina - ReportInnledning Russlands invasjon av Ukraina har ført til en umiddelbar økning i antall flyktninger til andre land i Europa. En slik situasjon krever økt beredskap hos helsetjenesten, og økt beredskap krever oppdaterte og pålitelige data for beslutningsgrunnl...
Patterns of Gender-Based Violence in Conflict-Affected Ukraine: A Descriptive Analysis of Internally Displaced and Local Women Receiving Psychosocial Services
Journal of interpersonal violence - Journal ArticleSince 2014, a protracted armed conflict has afflicted eastern Ukraine, resulting in the displacement of over 1.4 million residents. The resulting humanitarian crisis has placed women, particularly displaced women, at greater risk of gender-based violence ...
Krisereaksjoner hos ukrainske flyktninger
WebpageUkrainske flyktninger kan ha opplevd overveldende hendelser og inntrykk – som krigshandlinger, tap av kjente og kjære i krigen, eller kan ha sett døde mennesker i det som var deres trygge hjemlige omgivelser. Å reagere på overveldende hendelser er normal...
Prioritising mental health and psychosocial services in relief and recovery efforts in Ukraine
Lancet Psychiatry - Journal ArticleRussia’s invasion of Ukraine has created a humanitarian crisis with more than 6·5 million internally displaced people and more than 3 million refugees in neighbouring countries. Mental disorders are prevalent in conflict settings....
Mental health care utilisation among internally displaced persons in Ukraine: Results from a nation-wide survey
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences - Journal ArticleAimsThere are an estimated 1.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine because of the armed conflict in the east of the country. The aim of this paper is to examine utilisation patterns of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) care...
Mental health care in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: An analysis of needs and a call for greater investment
Lancet Regional Health - Europe - Journal ArticleOver the past decade, there has been increased attention to global mental health, which emphasizes improving access to quality mental health care in order to reduce the worldwide treatment gap. However, Eastern European and Central Asian countries and the...
Hidden burdens of conflict: Issues of mental health and access to services among internally displaced persons in Ukraine
BookExperiences of mental health and functioning among conflict-affected populations: A qualitative study with military veterans and displaced persons in Ukraine
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry - Journal ArticleObjective: This article reports findings from a qualitative study that sought to identify and describe psychosocial and mental health consequences of conflict among internally displaced persons (IDPs) and military veterans in Ukraine. The study was the fi...
Examing the pre-war health burden for Ukraine prioritisation by European countries receiving Ukrainian refugees
Lancet Regional Health - Europe - Journal ArticleThe recent escalation of conflict after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has already displaced 2,800,000 Ukrainian refugees, 1 and the number is expected to rise in days ahead. Ukrainians can move freely between European Union Memb...
Beskyttelse og opphold i Norge for ukrainere og russere
WebpageInformasjon om beskyttelse og opphold i Norge for deg som er er berørt av krisen i Ukraina....
Adaptation and testing of an assessment for mental health and alcohol use problems among conflict-affected adults in Ukraine
Conflict and Health - Journal ArticleIn Ukraine, a large number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and veterans experience social and psychological problems as a result of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Our purpose was to develop reliable and valid instruments to screen...